Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The thread of truth

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/18/2011 Tuesday 13 Shvat 5771

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Page 43 – around the middle of the page (Line starts “hayoshar...”)

In essence there is no such thing as “old stuff” - it is ever fresh.

Tzimzum facilitates yoshar. What exists in yoshar has an independence. This is the process of the birth and creation of neshamas. What is the birth of a soul? The soul/neshamah gets an element of metzius. It is really G-dliness, yet it is a metzius.

This means the souls are capable of zivugim, which represents the download of essence/atzmus.

Usually there is a content to a presentation and hence it has a limit. Thus essence/atzmus is not recognized in the world. As a result of a soul being a metzius and relating to another on the level of zivug, the essence/atzmus is revealed.

Essence is not revealed by a metzius – it is there hidden. By the zivug there is revelation of the essence. The birth is testimony to it. Zivugim/unions result in childbirth – if there are close cousins and there has been intramarriage, tay sachs can result, since the zivugim were no between real separate entities.

A groom is absolved of kriah shmah – he is facing a challenge.

The verse of “the water is gathered” and the next, where “let the earth produce vegetation” - refer to the levels of igulim and zivugim of yoshar respectively.

Gathering of the water is contraction and tzimzum. The dry land becomes evident – which represents the element of yoshar. This yoshar/dry land is the ultimate intent, since there is the download of essence.

Yekavu also has the implication of kavin, which means lines. Yoshar according to Zohar has to do with lines – areas are connected by paths or defined actions.

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