Monday, January 24, 2011

Peace of mind and chasing rabbits

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:38 1/24/2011 Monday 19 Shvat 5771

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Page 38 – at about halfway into the page (line starts “ofen...”).

Sechel in it's original/essential state is in a state, where “it could not, not be” - this is the soul.

Lower than that it has a purpose and a design.

Anything at this lower level has a limit.

The Rebbe said Einstein was very developed in a certain area, but the Previous Rebbe was an expert in all areas!

We say about King Solomon that his wisdom was unlimited, but this is unusual, since chochmah/wisdom has a limit. In the time to come essence will be revealed in physicality.

In the nefesh is a power of sechel that is not downloaded and recognized as a stand-alone faculty at all – it is part and parcel of the soul. It is a presence without a recognizable presence. It is present due to the soul itself.

The nature of the soul of man rises upward – not because something disturbs it, but because this is it's very nature – and it has the inyan of sechel, which is like sight – you se things, not because of your metziut, but because they're true. An animal sees with the sense of touch – a human sees with the sense of sight.

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