AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/10/2011 Monday 5 Shvat 5771
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Page 42 – 6 lines from the bottom of the page at the end of the line. (Line starts “hayot...”)
in Zohar letters are called stones. Why not learn the letters by their sounds? The rebbe said to do so it is to rob the children of the holiness of the letters. In yoshar everything you come into contact with is a metzius davar. In ingulim you forget the thing and focus on the ohr.
Is kedusha something that belongs only in a higher plane? No, it is something that can come down and imbue itself in the world. We don't say, “be a Jew in your home and a 'human being' in the street.” We don't say, “holiness belongs only in the shul”.
This is the principle, “not just that there is a first creator, but that everything that exists expresses this first creator.”
With yashar the ohr is received into the keilim. The sea is the aspect of igulim. There is no up and down.
The ones on the land – yoshar - have full development – they are articulate and wise.
Moach is only a koach a nefesh. Mochin is a conduit and focussed perspective. Hisrachvus, breadth with many details comes by means of mochin. Higher than mochin there are no details – there is just an infinite experience.
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