Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dust of the earth

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/11/2011 Tuesday 6 Shvat 5771

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Page 42 – 6 lines from the bottom of the page at the end of the line. (Line starts “hayot...”)

In yoshar process, since the mekabel is a stand alone entity it can accept even the element of atzmus and not lose it's presence.

This is seen in a halacha. If food is carried on shabbos one is liable. If one carries a plate he is also liable. But if he carries a plate with less than the minimum amount then he is not liable. The plate is only being carried for the food and the food is less than the required amount. The principle here is that the vessel is butul/nullified to it's content. The plate is completely butul, yet it exists (even though halachically it lost it's value). The reason for this is that the plate is a metziut davar.

If it was only a keili and the content was below the minimum then it would evaporate into nothingness. A metziut is something with a presence in the physical world – it is an absolute presence – it is part of the infinite reality.

At pesach if we have chametz left over it is declared, “like dust of the earth”.

In yoshar the lower does not depend on the higher to be a presence – and hence atzmus/essence can be revealed there.

Zivugim is only in the arena of yoshar. Yoshar means one is below the other and not encompassed by it. Zivug is hashpah atzmius, and only a metzius davar can receive this essential download/hashpaa.

In kabbalos ol, one does the will of the King, without the processing through faculties. At sinai we said, “ we will do and we will hear “ - this was initiated by the people – by the essence of the people. Birth / conception creates a totally independent entity.

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