Friday, January 7, 2011

The lion and the ox; the man and the angel

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/7/2011 Friday 2 Shvat 5771

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Page 42 – 6 lines from the top of the page (line starts “ein ha-adam...”)

We are dealing with birth and conception. We saw that it is from the highest element in a person and is reflected specifically in physicality. The higher something is, the lower down it reflects itself.

The lion is superior to an ox, but down here the ox is kosher.

Angels requested that they receive the torah as it pertains to them, yet it was not granted to them. This is because the true element of torah is impossible to express in spirituality, but rather in physical deeds. Moshe rabbanu (moses our teacher) answered them that they don't have a yetzer hara. Truth of the light of torah is revealed by confrontation and purification of the yetzer hara.

Supremacy of light is only revealed when it is solicited from darkness.

Hashem said it is “very good” at the end of the creation process. Medrash explains that the “very” is reflective of the evil angel. Only by victory here is “good” made over into “very good”.

The real depth of sechel comes only in an illusion. Only in a physical move/expression is the depth of the sechel revealed – a level that cannot be expressed in speech.

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