Thursday, March 7, 2013

“Can And Cannot” p:12 - 13

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 25 Adar 5773 

Page 12
Three lines from the end of the page – (line starts, 'kocho...') For text, click: Here.

We are making a sharp distinction between ohr and shefa. In shefah we have a real presence and in ohr we have a ha-arah.

Light has the special quality of cleaving to the source. Shefa is a representation of the mashpia. The stone flies in the direction thrown.

And in sechel the same thing is seen, 'the truth as he sees it is presented' – he presents what is most real to him.

But in shefa the presentation is 'only according to the way of the essence (rak lefi ofen ha etzm)' and not like the essence.

In the world of science they got off track, by saying, 'the world made itself' – this is irrational and not human thinking. They are suggesting that the sechel/mind is its own foundation.

Even the light after the tzimzum cleaves to its source. It touches and cleaves to the Ohr Ein Sof, because this is the principle of ohr.

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