Sunday, March 31, 2013

“Ever Expansive” p:14

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 20 Nissan 5773 

Page 14
4th line from the end of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: ve-ha-ah-havah...') For text, click: Here.

To review what we learned on Friday: in addition to recognizing the special closeness, manifest in the world... that He has descended to give the world a Godly quality... this is an enormous show of closeness... giving not only what is necessary for it to exists. It is a grant of Godly life and presence... and in addition we meditate on the greatness of Him – gedulus ohr ein sof.

This essential greatness of elokus/Godliness means that no edifice can be too big to contain it. It is ever expanding and is never 'out of place'.

He senses the preciousness of Godliness – that it is truth itself without bounds and he desires closeness... and seeks Him, since 'this is the only thing worthwhile...'

This love brings a person to the actual doing of mitzvoth. By means of this, there is a revelation of G-dliness within his own soul. He becomes attached to Godliness.

This love and doing mitzvoth, reveal His presence with us. Mitzvoth are designed to bring Godliness into our own paramaters. Even if we get confused and do not understand their significance, and think to ourselves, that they may 'provide nice guidance in a worldly context', but the truth is that they are Godliness presenting it self in worldly terms...

When doing mitzvoth, there is a cognizance and of Godliness and a Godly participation in his daily life.

There is a recognition of Godliness rather than world.

Think of sunlight. Am I seeing across the street? Or am I seeing light? Of course I can see across the street, but it is part of a G-dly reality. but the practical element is secondary.  Daylight itself is the main gift here.  Sight is a phenomenal faculty – a Godly faculty. It extends to everything we relate to, but we lose sight of its significance.

Think of a car – the human spirit is the basis for the car. From a worldly perception you see things in 'their present state'. From a Godly perception you see things from their origin. When you are at the table, do you see just the food in front of you, or the host and the origin of the gathering...?

There is a difficult moment when eating... will we descend to the food or elevate it to us...

Yes indeed we get hungry, but in the human Jewish context, hunger is directly connected to the fact that I need my full strength and consciousness to be a full human being and this hunger is draining me from that purpose. I want to eat to regain my purpose. This is the minimum level...

Rabbi was talking with someone who had an addiction. Usually he is able to show the person that he is not addicted. In this case he asked him, 'when you are into this do you have some sense of benefit at the back of your mind, or are you just into it?' and when you see his answer you find the human element that can be used to lift him from there. The human and Godly element. There is not a mitzvah that we cannot perform. We put a strap on our head and heart (tephilin) and a scroll (mezuzah) at the door, to connect ourselves and the house to God. The elokus in the human spirit is the whole being.

Here in this world we cleave to Him by means of His Torah and Mitzvahs.

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