Friday, March 22, 2013

“More Real than Solid Earth; Love over Gold” p:14

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday11 Nissan 5773 

Page 14
Below the middle of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: kulhi...') For text, click: Here.

We are talking about 'run and return' (ratzu ve shuv) and about how they correspond to love and fear.

In terms of service/avodah we see and sense the Godly life that has been imbued in the world. For that to happen He had to reduce Himself till He was 'in proximity to world'. When one reflects on this phenomenon to the point where it gives him vitality... and looks at how Godliness is not in proximity to worlds at all.

Godliness is about essence, not function or effect. In the world there is nothing that is essential.

In the world everything was, 'brought into being'. And yet the Godly light was reduced and enclothed itself in the world and creations to give them an element of chayus/vitality.

The vitality of the soul is not vulnerable. It is not a composite of many factors. It is a Godly truth. And how does this Godly truth relate to a physical finger and allow it to move and heal...? It is the wonder of the infinite vitality being reduced to heal a cut, down to the level of fingerprints.

The inherent reality you sense in the world is chayus eloki (Godly vitality).

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