Wednesday, March 13, 2013

“One Plus One; 1 + 1 = 2” p:13

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 2 Nissan 5773 

Page 13
3rd line of the page – (line begins: 'ohr...') For text, click: Here.

Atzilus and ohr are similar. Ohr/light is the element that comes forth from an atzmi/essence, just by virtue of being an essence, not due to any effort. So only an essence has ohr/light. His presence represents what he is... and that translates in what is called ohr/light.

Knowledge applies to something that has a reality element. 1 plus 1 is two ones, is not knowledge, this is due to their physical presence. But that 1 plus 1 is 2 is knowledge. It says these two elements have a united source.

'Knowledge' pertains to something worth knowing. If not for knowing it would not be. 'Two' is recognized exclusively in knowledge.

Ohr/light is 'he knows himself'. It is knowing his own significance. That is what knowledge is about. Knowing his own truth.

Atzilus is the revelation of the light outside (as if to say) the essence.

The principle aspect of atzilus is the revelation of light by means of the tzimzum/contraction.

The tzimzum allows us to perceive the effect and quality of the light that is revealed.

The effect of the light while absorbed in its source, makes the statement, 'this is an essence'. To do this the light must be completely nullified. It has no identifying functionality.

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