AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 18
Nissan 5773
P14 near the end of the page. At ‘am krovo’
We are looking at the principle of kiruv/closeness. The kind of closeness that brings about ahavah/love. Where does this love come from?
The love is not the result of the favor. The special interest results in the love. The special interest is the human or G-dly element.
It is beyond personal obligation. The human element is a sense of the truth of something – the Godly reality – the reality of it.
This personal interest is not ‘interest’ as in self-interest – it is a connection. A personal connection. He relates because he senses there is an overall truth that unifies them.
God shows a special interest in the world. This is beyond the creation per se. This is special attention. He descends to the worldly level, to enliven it – to give it life. Life at its level.
Think of sunlight. It is above world, since the world is about dark and physicality. The first light was so strong it eliminated the ‘worldly’ aspect. Then after this He made light, that allows for sight, but doesn’t nullify the world. Sight is a Godly element.
God says, ‘he will be removed from before Me’, and from this we learn that He reaches down and makes the world and facilitates ways for us to be ‘before Him’.
When we think about His attention to us it evokes a love in us. When we reflect on the greatness of the ohr ein sof, (and this is not at all like the fear of facing a buffalo – don’t imagine God as a wild beast and this way evoke some imagined fear in oneself) we are talking about a soul/neshamah element. This is a Godly truth.
The body is a composite and can be damaged, but the soul is unified and a direct representation of Him and cannot be damaged. Thus the neshamah/soul even at this low level is sensed by the mind in the body. The human being has an element of truth/essence.
The body is a composite and can be damaged, but the soul is unified and a direct representation of Him and cannot be damaged. Thus the neshamah/soul even at this low level is sensed by the mind in the body. The human being has an element of truth/essence.
A human being has the necessity of having a home. The home represents more than ‘comfort’. A home is a personal dwelling. It has to be fit for that person. If you provide him with a home that is too big he will be lost in it… For Him, you cannot create a home that is too big for Him! This is the way we can think into the infinite quality of the ohr ein sof – He is present and knows no limits. One senses the preciousness of Godliness. In his own experience things have a limit and an end. But Godliness has no limit.
Life comes into the world from Him. But God provides life at the level of each creation. And when one realizes the way He is providing life for him, it results in a feeling of closeness and unity. You may have thought that when thinking of the greatness of God, you may feel, ‘hey I cannot relate to Him’, but here we are saying the opposite. It results in us wanting to cleave to Him. This is due to the recognition that Godliness has descended into his world.
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