Sunday, March 17, 2013

“Light Context; Live Up” p:13

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 6 Nissan 5773 

Page 13
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We have discussed light. We went all the way to the understanding that the revelation of the light after the tzimtzum/contraction, where the essence is hidden, is where the effect of the light is felt – outside the essence is where the effect of the light is felt.

And the light acquires a level of metziut and is no longer at the same level of purity as it had when it was in the essence. Also because the light had come down it is continually striving to be absorbed in its source.

What is the principle of light? Hashem made light and saw that it was good. In darkness, there is no interrelationship between one location and another, one entity and another. There is no context.

Light is a creation. Not just energy hitting an object. From the perspective of darkness and physicality every object is separate and not part of an overall context and meaning.

Light is not just the 'showing of tangible items'. The real activity of light is the revelation that 'objects are 'by the way'' and the real thing is the essence that is present there. Like when you walk into someone's home you don't see stuff, you experience the person who lives there. This is light. Ohr is good – it has a Godly presence. 

This Godly presence can be recognized at 2 levels. There is truth in the source – this is due to the location. Then there is the level of truth, that wherever it goes it is true – this is revelation. Thus the revelation brings out a deeper level of truth than when it was in the source. A level of truth that does not depend on the source being present.

What gives everything a presence in the world is the truth of His presence.

So we have explained the principle of run and return (ratzu ve shuv) in the light. 

First we say the shema, and take on the kingdom of heaven and then the responsibility for mitzvoth.

The taking on the kingdom of heaven is a ratzu/running to go beyond my own existence. And taking on the yoke of His commandments is the return/shuv – doing His deeds down here.

Taking on the kingdom of heaven, is the statement, “I don't have a separate existence to You”.

The most important fight of all, is to accept the faith you have received as an inheritance. To say publicly I am not a monkey!

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