Tuesday, March 19, 2013

“Give Yourself Away” p:13-14

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 8 Nissan 5773 

Page 13
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We are saying that taking on the will of God is specifically at the time of Rosh Hashanah. You have to go to essence itself.

This is accomplished by the service of Israel here below. They accept the king in the innermost part of the soul.

It is not based on reason or sense. This is 'essence to essence'.

Usually we say, 'You are our Father' and so the relationship is based on our own identity, that 'we are the son', but here we are talking about a level beyond that, 'essence to essence'.

This is recognizing myself through the eyes of my Maker. I don't know. You know. And so there is no process. This is what happens on Rosh Hashanah.

Essence is not understood in the world. It is truth itself.

It is known that the binding of Isaac (akaydat Yitzchak), represented this total absorbtion in essence. The blowing of the shofar/rams horn is like the binding of Isaac. They are both essence.

Blow the shofar before Me, and I will recall the binding of Isaac”, say God, “and then I will give you credit as if you tied yourselves on the alter.”

the inner intent is the return and revelation in this world. And this is seen in the 2 levels of the blowing of the shofar. One is from below rising upwards, and the latter is the descend from above to below.

This is the same as Avraham/Abraham 'perfected the throne', which it the return down below.

And this does not contradict the sages statement, that Avraham's service, of binding Isaac, because the final intent is for return.

First there is a rising up - 'I accept Him as my King' and then there is the return, 'I will do His will/mitzvoth on earth'.

Page 14

It says, Yom Kippur is a fast day, and it is called “Shabbat of Shabbat” (Shabbat Shabbatan).

On Shabbat there is the satisfaction of eating and drinking, so why is there fasting on Yom Kippur, which is call Shabbat Sabbatan?

To understand this we will review the process of ratzu ve shuv (run and return).

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