Sunday, March 3, 2013

“Promoted Everywhere” p:12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 21 Adar 5773 

Page 12
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We are still looking at the difference between shefa/flow and ohr/light.

We talked about the mashpiah/mentor and the way he gives 'part of himself' – shefa.

The student/mekabel has the ability to receive or ignore what his mentor/master provides. If properly received the student has a realization of new truth from his soul. The master doesn't just show him 'how to behave', he exposes new qualities from within him. He gives him a new reality.

There is a deep element of sechel/mind that is true only since you have a soul. It is not open to empirical proof.

The student would not come to this himself. The master/mentor opens the student to his own reality. Under normal circumstances the student would not come to this inner reality by himself.

Why does the mashpiah/mentor do his work? Why does he care? Avraham avinu took it on himself to affect the entire world.

There had been other sages that did not choose to affect the entire world.

The principle is: there is an expectation that the other person will relate to this – he realizes he has universal truth – it is true everywhere and this compels him to promote it everywhere. 

The human being is bery special. He 'knows' – has daas. To the animal, reality is that which he touches and eats. To the human, the world is real in his understanding. The human being has the soul quest and says, 'no, there is a reality'. And he gets this from the 'First Being'.

So when he knows the perfect unity of the world then all things are included in this knowledge. Avraham has the mission of bringing the Creator to every crack and crevice of the world.

He is giving an aspect of himself – his reality consists of this knowledge.

Light/reflection/ha-arah on the other hand, does not carry the essence with it.

The sun gives off light, but is not 'involved' with this activity. The light is provided, 'automatically' (bederech memayleh). In contrast to the relationship between the mentor and mentee, the sun has no involvement with the recipient of the light. 

The soul we know from below to above. Not like the sun which is seen above. We feel the effect of the soul. The soul is not preoccupied with providing the vitality to the body.

The soul, in contrast to the sun, is not compelled to be revealed. The soul can be revealed or be concealed.

The sun has to be revealed. It cannot be concealed.

This further emphasizes that the 'revelations' of the soul are not 'part and parcel of the soul' - they are not an essential part of it. The soul can be perfect unto itself without revealing itself.

So because its revelations are volitional, it cares what happens to them...

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