Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“Soul Intent” p:14

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 9 Nissan 5773 

Page 14
At the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: vehinei...') For text, click: Here.

The service of 'run and return' (ratzu ve shuv) needs to be constant.

Why the constant repetition of the cycle? This is so the life can be rejuvenated from its source.

The rejuvenated element is not the vitality, but the 'intent'. There is intent in the soul to give forth life.

This is the whole force behind the chayut/life. Laziness, means that you lack intent - lacking what is provided by the essence. Intent comes from the source, not from the hand.

This is the difference between how we see the world and how it sees itself. We say the world is 'the Godly intent that there should be a world' and this is why it persists... 'In the beginning He creates the world' – this is our view of the world and all the details in it. Without the Godly intent there is no vitality/chayus in it.

When you see a man walking, each step is a new decision to make a step. That is a human being. Each move is initiated by his brain.

That's why after the run there is the return; and after each return there is a run...

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