Sunday, July 19, 2015

“Beyond Question; The Journey Continues” p:21/15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At 4th line of the page. Line begins: 'dereshimu...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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An important principle: any concept a human being identifies and follows is not based on 'I found this', but rather on how it emanates from a broader reality.

What correlates thought and action? What joins emotion to action? The overall purpose. And this is what is created by the reshimu/trace.

Real thoughts are not just based on the process, they are supported by, and revealing deeper finer qualities.

Everything in our experience is supporting and is derived from our finest qualities of our soul.

The reflected light reveals the greater depth. It reveals a depth not seen in the direct light.

The faculties coming from the reshimu is what creates the keilim/vessels. They do this is a concealed way. They do not show their source.

The principle of hidden faculties (koach ne-elam) – you cannot trace the result from the source that created it. Think of a host and his guest. He invites him and provides a meal. The most important element is not the meal, but his very presence. And in this presence there is nothing transferred. The presence is beyond interaction and information. And this is the most valuable.

It is hidden. It is a hidden level of influence.

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