Monday, July 27, 2015

“No Explanation Needed” p:21/16

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At about lower third of the page. Line begins: 'ha-kaylim...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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There is a clash or meeting between direct and reflected light.

The direct light is straight forward, without requirements to prove itself and justify its existence.

The 'straight' element is so pure, that when seen, there are no questions.

Things are obvious, because the light represents a real source. It represents the essence and no explanation is necessary.

The sun gives off pure light. It is reflective of the Godly presence.

Man sees things from the perspective of what they stand for and why they are there.

He does not find out about things by bumping up against them.

Light allows us to know physical objects by means of sight, not touch.

Light is God's revelation in the world of an essential reality, that can be seen without needing to be touched. This is a Godly revelation that is camouflaged. He hid it in the sun.

This is direct light – there is a source, so there is light. The light is a lower level manifestation of the reality.

It does not need vessels since it is seen directly.

Sunlight makes day out of night. It is not measured by the fact that you can see across the street. It is revolutionary. That is ohr yashar / direct light. It does not take into account the environment that it transforms.

The reflective light (ohr chozer) attempts to bring the light down to a level where it is not recognized. This light is also rooted in the direct light. It is the 'vessels' that spring forth saying, this is the way 'I could represent myself'.

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