Monday, July 20, 2015

“Beyond Separation; Soul Moves” p:21/15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At 4th line of the page. Line begins: 'dereshimu...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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The reshima is the source of the keilim. The influence from it is in a hidden way and it does not reveal its connection to the source.

The reshima does not point to the source. For this reason the vessels/keilim seem to be separate things from the essence.

The ultimate purpose and effect of learning chassidus in general, and when learning concepts that seem beyond practical application, is to make a connection. Man has his faith, but he looks at the world and say, 'I can't connect'. By learning chassidus the walls of separation crumble. The obscuring quality of the world falls away.

A movie is made of multitude of still images... movement is replicated by replaying these images... This is a microcosm of our world, and we need to see beyond this facade.

Movement is facilitated by the living soul. It is not composite. He is where he lives. Only body has to be transported through every inch. Life itself does not halt with every inch and does not heed these increments...

All places are unified. He creates them and they are in His domain. Keilim/vessels seem to be separate entities. The feet don't carry you – it is the light that enlivens the feet that carries you.

And when you start to understand these principles, then Godliness is not so remote from the world! You see it everywhere!

Compassion is real. It is based on an inner unity.

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