Wednesday, July 29, 2015

“Light Message” p:21/16

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 21 of pamphlet – (At about lower third of the page. Line begins: 'ha-katanah...'). Page 15 of the book. For text see below.

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Direct light represents its source.

Reflective light is different. To recognize the element of light... why is it called light?

A wall repels a ball without purpose. It seems the opposite of light. The direct light is repulsed and the obstacle says, 'I'm here. I don't receive light. I don't get it. Finished.'

Reflective light is not just the absence of light. Darkness is a Godly creation.

Darkness is a higher creation than light. Light has a design. Darkness has a presence.

The Rambam says the first principle is that 'there is a First Being'. And where is He reflected more? Darkness has a presence. It is also a creation.

So how is reflective light in the category of light?

The ball being thrown against a wall is illustrative of this.

Reflective light (ohr chozer) defines limit in a positive sense. If I throw a ball the wall provides a target. In baseball the pitcher needs a catcher.

So the wall is not just an interference, it is identifying what is trying to be accomplished by the direct light.

The direct light does have definition. But that definition is not yet defined/revealed until it comes to the level of reflective light.

The reflective light is revealing these elements in the direct light.

Letters/'ossiot' result from the clash of the meeting of direct and reflective light.

When a sechel/perspective is presented by means of letters then it acquires a presence that can stand on its own.

If scholars disagree and then both defer to, 'how does He want it?' Then they are coming to a different level of truth... this is where they merge.

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