Thursday, May 27, 2010

An element of infinity in every stage

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/26/10 Wednesday 13 Sivan 5770

Page 30. About a third from the top. Line starts, “u-bechinat ha tynug...”.

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

Atzilus has an element of being similar to creation – there had been a movement to create atzilut – it cam from a pristine state to the level of presence. Not a primary being, but a created being.

From the pleasure that is in atzilus comes forth all the pleasure of the lower worlds. Tynug/pleasure denotes an essential presence. All that exists has a certain element of truth or oneg. The first state of tynug as it is in the hamshacha, is in atzilus. This is where the etzem is most fully identified. In every koach is an oneg and this is always connected to the nefesh, so too over here, all the tynug in the worlds is drawn from the pleasure in atzilus.

The table is on the floor – which is on the beams – which are on the foundations – which is on the earth, and the earth is hanging in space depending on nothing – the world is held in place by infinity. The solidity of the world is given to us to walk upon by The Infinity. This infinity is found in every stage. So too the tynug found in every stage. The concept of tynug / pleasure is that it is a reality in itself – you don't see the end of it. Every moment of life is an infinity. This is a G-dly spark that is present in everything. Those who rely on worldly things – wealth, power, etc – are in a constant state of trepidation. Oneg is true of itself and not dependent on quantity.

The serpent is venomous and angry, 'tho it has its food before it, aplenty, because it has been severed from a G-dly perception.

Chochmah has the ability to transmit the pleasure downward to the lower kochot. It has the ability to be a perfect channel. This chochmah in atzilus is the Torah of atzilus, and through it flows this element of tynug/pleasure.

“Torah” is from the word “ho-rah-ah” - pathway or guide. Usually when you think of this you assume it is to guide us in our proper way. We live in a physical world and you may think the torah is the guide to tell us right from wrong. While this is true and essential, it puts torah in a relative context, without pleasure / tynug. But the truth is that when the torah rules, even on what seems to be a majority vote, it actually refers back to the makor klali – the source. Really torah is a guide to show what are the pathways that allow G-dliness to enter the world. It identifies the channels and shows that elokus is present everywhere and what we do is to allow elokus to affect this or that element.

This torah of atzilus is the real intermediary between elokus and world.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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