Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Into the sun

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/12/10 Wednes 28 Iyar 5770

Page 29. About a third from from the top. At the line starting “bemakom acher”. Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text. 

There are two sides to chochmah. Above, relating to the essence, and on the other hand seeing reality, but from the “outside”, so that there are identifyable components – containing all the kochot.

Oneg is a nefesh experience, but at the same time it is contracted for each koach separately. It is the chochmah that makes this contraction. The chochmah does not interfere – it allows the oneg to relate to the nefesh.

How does nefesh have oneg on the level of the hand? This is through chochmah.

This is the principle of bitul of chochmah. This is not negating its services, it negates its personal experience.

Our example of a gilui atzmi is the sun. the sun doesn't give light as an action. The sun and the light are one. The sun is light through and through. This means that light to the sun is completely different experience to what we know. For us, light is in contrast to darkness. For us light exists on a functional level. In the sun, light is an essential presence – there is no darkness there and the the light is not countering darkness.

There is light within the sun itself – contained within an area, where there is no darkness. This is a level of light that is reflective of the sun itself and knows no darkness, yet it is light. It thus contains an essential light. This is the transition between the sun and that which is outside.

For video, click here.


... וחיי עולם

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