Friday, May 21, 2010

The spirituality of shopping

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/21/10 Friday 8 Sivan 5770

Page 29. Nine lines from the bottom of the page. At the line starting “kenaal”. Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

Just as we saw before in a human being that there is in all of his powers the dissemination of tynug in each, and that this connects the individual kochot back to the nefesh, so too there is an element of tynug in every level of creation, and this is what sustains them and gives them “life”.

What kind of life is there in inanimate objects? The principle of life is that it has to do with an essential reality. It is not just circumstantial. The inanimate object is silent and doesn't announce itself – something that has nothing to say is not domem, it just has nothing to say.

Each thing, gold, silver and stones have their particular message. It is not just material. It has a message. It gives this message in a domem fashion – it gives this message with its entire being. There is a true element, a chayut in an inanimate thing. They represent different spiritual elements. The infinity of G-dliness is shown by the variety found in materiality.

There are different levels of tynug. The difference is based on the level of essential life that is in each thing. The nefesh is inherently alive, but the body is alive since the nefesh is enclothed in it.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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