Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Down to the Garden of Nuts" p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/14/11 Thursday 12 Tammuz 5771

Page 48 – lower third of the page (line starts: mipnay...) 

here we are saying the Torah, though you may think it could be dragged down, it remains unaffected – and essential.

This is similar to the soul. This is similar to the power of the soul. It can make a distinction between good and bad since it is really an inner/essential light. The soul has an affect, but not by deducing from circumstances, but rather with a knowledge from above – knowing before it gets involved. This is an identification not from a consequential level, but rather from an essential level.

Thus, though the soul descends into a body, it is essentially unchanged by this mission. It says, 'I came down to a garden of nuts' – this is to say that just as the nut gets dirty, the internal fruit is unaffected. So too the Torah sage, even if he becomes impure, his Torah is not rejected.

In fact the Jewish people, Israel are compared to nuts – if they get dirty, you just wash them off and they remain tasty and healthy! They descend into impurity but the essence remains unchanged.

That Israel can be dragged into impurity is just due to the garments – the garments are the practical expression of things...

Torah is essence the tree of life.

But the level of the 'tree of knowledge' which represents the reflection of G-dliness that is dressed in the worlds...

tree of life is based above – this is the deeds of the righteous even while involved in worldly activities. The deeds of the wicked (here meaning not evil per se, but worldly orientation) is based on the platform of the world – it is also infinite but based on metzius – and this corresponds to the 'tree of knowledge'.

The body is a lifeless entity, but the soul enlivens it. The soul is so embedded that one forgets the soul and pays attention only to the body. Because the soul is there it gives the body the sense that it is alive...!

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