Monday, July 4, 2011

“Look, I Don't Want Anything, But You” p: 47

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 47 7/4/11 Monday 2 Tammuz 5771 

Page 47 – below the middle of the page (line starts: levad...)

Yesterday we looked at the topic of 'external' unions.

External means the effect, Pnimi/internal means the reality itself, which is not described by the effect. The wise man chooses the King, not due to any effect that He has!

The Alte Rebbe would somethimes exclaim during prayer, “look I don't want anything, I don't want your lower Garden of Eden, I don't want your higher Garden of Eden, I don't want personal experience, I want Truth, I want You alone!” 

The external level needs a process, but the inner level is just there. The soldier goes to war and risks his life. He goes for the sake of his king, but if he loses his life he won't have the king. He follows through if he is dedicated to the essence of the king, which is something you don't have while alive and don't lose if you die...!

This is a level beyond chochmah and bina (levels of mind) and is where they can have inner union.

P 47, lower half, R' Rahsab (right click to enlarge in new window)
We say, 'David our King, chai ve kayam – Is alive and well!' thousands of years after of his passing, since he represents the essence of the Jewish people. We are alive and thus he is alive. Nasi ha-kol.

Since this is not grasped by mind (we perceive that which can be seen and heard) and is speaking of an element of the soul that is beyond kochot/faculties and personal presence. This is like emunah/faith, which is not really 'part' of the nefesh – it is imbued from above.

Essence is not everywhere by getting everywhere. It is the fundamental truth that doesn't need to spread or get there. 

Sight, can observe a whole vista in a glance, in one instance. How does this occur? It is due to a recognition that space is a fundamental existence and so thus all points are part of one point – the one reality behind the space that is not space dependent. We don't pay sufficient attention to our own experiences. Sight tells us infinitely more than what we see! Everything in our experience, but with sight we experience that there is a fundamental truth.

We have depth perception. Depth is our awareness of what facilitates this reality. The flat picture is the area that the camera sees – 2 dimensions. We see in 3 dimensions. This is our 'going out to the object and seeing it in its place'.

Chochmah and bina are the 2 dimensions of malchus. Chochmah looks into it, and bina gives it expression.

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