Tuesday, July 26, 2011

“Inner Intent” p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/26/11 Tuesday 24 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – about halfway into the page (line starts: helem ha-atzmi de ein sof...) 

Root of the creation of souls is the hidden essential of the Infinite One. Chochmah/wisdom is instrumental in implementing the hamshacha/download.

Chochmah is the recognition of the universality – truth, not based on, 'I see it this way'. This is the essential truth that expands beyond the essence itself.

Functioning sechel/mind is only a reflection of this. The way it is in the essence is called helem/concealed. Not the hiding of something that could be visible, but rather because it has not yet been identified.

Chochmah is the source of all other faculties.

Everything is the world is representative of the G-dly will. This is a general external will (ratzon chitzoni), that is for the sake of some other internal will/intent.

Atzmus, in our experience can hardly be understood, since for us we can't say, 'I do this for its own sake'. Atzmus has no external effects. So why is there any revelation from atzmus? Due to it itself. Atzmus initiates its own gilui/revelation. This is kavanah pnimi / inner intent.

The intent does not occupy space – there's not tangible faculty. The presence is in the one that intends.

The inner intent is the souls of Israel. This is the ultimate intent in the creation of worlds.

Who did G-d consult? The souls of tzaddikim. They are the inner intent. And they brought out the will for the creation. They carry the inner intent. Kavanah/intent and ratzon/will are not the same. Ratzon is the result of the kavanah. The ratzon was revealed due to the inner intent. What is contained there? The extension into every reality. There is not external benefit. The souls of Israel are representative of the atzmus.

Like a fire rises to its source to dissipate into the source, so too the souls of Israel strive for unity.

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