Sunday, July 10, 2011

“Arise From Any Depth” p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/10/11 Sunday 8 Tammuz 5771

Page 48 – 8th line of the page (line starts: eter...)  

Sometimes something can be so en wrapped in the garment that you lose sight of the ohr/light that is its real purpose.

Light is a G-dly reality – seeing an object without touching it is an amazing faculty. It is based on the G-dly truth – 'it is true 'cos He created it'.

The sunlight provides for sight – it hits a physical object that deflects light back into our eye – this can be replicated by a camera. The wonder of sight is becomes so dressed in physical process that you can lose the truth of it being a wonderous G-dly faculty.

Sight is the most G-dly experience we have on a physical level.

If one contemplates what the sun is – essential light – though physical sphere, burning up fuel – yet the way it is presented to us is as an essential light. Day is much more than the ability to see things. 

Emunah/faith does not relate to a presence, but to He who provides for it. This is relating to the inner light, rather than to its effect on the outside.

Torah becomes 'part and parcel' of the worldly situation – almost, but not quite entirely. 'Do not steal' appears to be a worldly prohibition, but it is based on the G-dly perspective. The true implication of the G-d's answer to the angels, 'torah is not for you, since you don't have the evil inclination!' is not to say Torah came to address worldly issues, rather the torah is 'Your Glory' and that can only be revealed through one who struggles with evil.  

'You angels will not touch the essence of torah, the Jews can'.

The reality of living is way beyond the experience of life. It is not within our grasp. Life functions in the body, but is not dependent on the body. The experience of life is really the connection to the essence. Life is not, 'the light hitting the object, but where it is coming from...' We have real life that is always pure. That's why we can do tshuvah/return. This is a light that is not dependent on the place where it functions.

This is why it is possible to arise from any depth.

In essence Torah is the 'Tree of Life' which is essence, which cannot be downloaded/enclothed.

When a nation loses it's way/mind, it enacts laws that make no sense. The law is hislabshut – a reflection of the nation. 

When torah is dressed in eitz ha daas - it is not that. Torah is not like regular secular law that is based on normal human value – this is hislabshut. This would be about the object, not the light. Torah doesn't come and ask you what you prefer, it tells you how to live, it is eternal. It is not dependent on the existence of the world. 

Torah is 'all good'. 'Punishment' of Torah is for the sake of the restoration of wholeness. Except Torah is dressed in the 'tree of knowledge' and hence deals with that level of existence – the world of time, space, disputes and reparations... and distinguishes between good and bad, pure and impure...

Torah itself is above this – it is on the level of Tree of life.

Torah also differentiates between good and evil. How? It get involves but at essence stays above.

The issue of good and bad; is pnimius/inner and chitzonius/outer. Pnimius is G-dly. chitzonius/external is becoming and entity. This difference is affectuated at the very beginning and Torah is rooted there and as it comes down it already has this clear sensitivity. So down to the lowest level torah will deal with it and not get lost. In the world itself, the differences become indistinguishable. But Torah can 'see' the difference.    

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