Friday, July 15, 2011

"What Reality Says" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49  7/15/11 Friday 13 Tammuz 5771
Page 49 – at the top of the page (line starts: shelifney...)  

Creation is due to a kav/line extending from the Primary reality.

Eventually in the 'time to come' specifically in physicality, the essence of G-d will be recognized.  This is because essence itself would be revealed.  From the perspective of the kav/line the world 'hangs on nothing'.  Kav relates only to what can be explained and handled in a process.

It the kav extended without limit then everything would be explicable.

The kav is a reflection, 'what reality is saying',  not the essence, and thus is has a functional element and a limit.

There is limit to what can be accomplished by logic, even Torah logic.

In a human being you have the entire structure of the world and beyond.  You have will, mind and emotions (and below that; thought, speech and action).  Atzilus is like chochmah/wisdom.  This is an understanding without grasp – a perception of how something is in actuality.  This corresponds to the higher aspect of sight – recognition without defined/tangible grasp.  

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