Thursday, July 21, 2011

"I am Bigger Than Myself" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/21/11 Thursday 19 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – about a third into the page (line starts: kuli...) 

If the creation of the world is by means of a the kav/line, then how do we land up with bodies? This is because inside the ha-arah/reflection which is the mode of the kav, there is a level of etzem/essence. This is like the background of emunah/faith allowing sechel/mind to function. The essence quality of faith holds up the ha-arah/reflection mode of sechel/mind. Essence provides the background.   

Right click to open in new window and enlarge.  Ayin Base, Rebbe Rashab, p 49
It is an essence that brings about the union. Bodies are separate, so there is no commonality between them. They don't relate to each other. Chochmah and bina relate to each other and have a union. But bodies?! The ohr/light that is enabling and creating this union is an essential light. The essence forces this union because it says, 'without this union I cannot be present in this realm'. When they are separate each has it's own identity. In their bodily union essence is drawn down...

The seminal drop results in a new being that is like the father. For the Jew it is not about creating a lineage for posterity, it is about the soul itself. The soul senses, that “in this very moment, I am bigger than myself, the essence I stand for is greater than the limited presence”, and there is a demand for revelation of the deeper truth. The essence is not just 'something that will continue to exist tomorrow', it is about expression of the 'full impact of who I am!'

Thinking about posterity has an element of shortcoming, 'I will pass from this world, but my children will live on'. Here we're looking at the positive element, 'the truth about me is an essence that is unlimited'.

An animal doesn't know what its doing and can thus walk an hour after birth. The human child has to know what he is doing and thus takes time to learn to walk. The essence comes from the father not inadvertently. There is an intention element in the essence that brings it out. Anything that is just middot/emotions is not intentional. Thus we see how sechel is associated with essence. The soul knows itself and in this knowledge knows that it is bigger than what is contained in one nefesh/soul – it is essence. The sechel of the nefesh recognizes this.

Sechel/mind of the nefesh: that we have knowledge of G-d by deduction is just the external level. The essence of the logic is the recognition that there has to be a truth in all that exists. The world is a physical place, but there has to be His truth embedded here otherwise it wouldn't exist. In the sechel it is recognized that there is a much deeper truth in the nefesh/soul than is contained in one soul. This is not the sechel that observes logically, but a sechel that is born of the nefesh itself.  

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