Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Holding the Line" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/17/11 Sunday 15 Tammuz 5771 

Page 498 – 2 lines from the top of the page (line starts: shebo...)

Think of the sun. The impact of the sun is not just the light it gives, but its presence itself creates a reality.

The G-dly reflection is what we are left with after the tzimzum. As it devolves it takes different forms. This is like the sunlight. But the sun itself is different.

Atzilus is called is a world, but really it is not independent. It is just an emanation. World has time and space – it deals with 'past, present and future.' World by nature deals with multiplicity. For a table in the world, you need time, space, tools and materials...!

In atzilus there is a constant, glow and awareness of what it represents. Atzilus is like chochmah. Chochmah is like sight. When you see a panarama you see all the details in one glance. Everything is contained in it – but you see them as being part of the reality/background – you don't relate to it as seeing. This is chochmah – seeing the true reality as a natural phenomenon. The sense of the world is real, is the sense of the infinity. All we see, we perceive as part of this infinity. 

Elokus/G-dliness is very revealed in atzilus. What is G-dliness? Everything that is there is because it is true. 

AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab, p49 top (right click to upload)
Truth is unlimited. It has no beginning, middle and end. The gilui ha kav – revelation of the line that creates the world after tzimzum, brings an awareness of elokus.

That which is higher than atzilus (olamot ein sof) is where the essence of the line/kav is found. This is above chochmah – this is the level of kesser/crown. In atzilus the reflection of the kav is found.  

The fact of the line coming into the 'open space'/vacuum/makom panui is the first provision for world. In the world everything goes through daas – 'seeing what it is' and there is no seeing it unless it is based on an initial absence.

All of space is based on the 'aleph'.   

If we get a glimpse of pure intellect it says, 'The world did not make itself. Someone must have made it. The world is not self-made.' We realize there is a Creator in the world. The intellect cannot accept that a finite entity made itself.

Yet even after this we are still devoid of any understanding of Him. This is the meaning of that here in this lower worlds there is not even a reflection of the kav/line. We know He makes the world, but by deduction, not directly.

In man there is intellect and levels such as faith above intellect. But it is only with tremendous effort of purification that one gets to relate to faith.  

'Thought, speech and action' correspond to these 3 lower world. These levels are vessels for soul, but not soul themselves.

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