Friday, July 8, 2011

“Fashion Feedback” p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/8/11 Thursday 6 Tammuz 5771

Page 48 – 8th line of the page (line starts: eter...) 

We have been dealing with good and bad. It has been noted that even evil is created. And that every thing gets its presence from kedusha. It has been seen that it is due to daas, which has aspects of good and bad. Daas itself is rooted in holiness – a reflection of holiness and from here can eventually devolve the element of 'ra'/bad. It is the dressing in a garment that conceals the real life connected to holiness and thus it can be usurped. 

This development outlined above, where the union of the light and the vessel means the vessel can conceal the light, is totally inapplicable when talking of an inner/essential light. 

AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab, P48 from the top (right click to enlarge)

We can see infinity in the world. Infinite space, which is a G-dly aspect. But it is an external revelation of Him. It is a cumulative infinity expressed in time and space, but the real infinity does not relate to time and space at all...  

A house encompasses a space and one can loose sense that it is connected to the infinity of space. It becomes totally united with the garment that you provide for it.

What exists only where truth, exists is the ohr pnimi ve atzmi – the inner essential light. It is light that is without a vessel, or dominates its vessel. It always remains above any form. This is like malchus. What does the king do for you? On a practical level – nothing! The only way to relate to the king is directly – not through any functional aspect.

Torah is also presented to us in the 'tree of knowledge', in daas. It is in vessels and form. It is presented in such a way that we can distinguish between one thing and another...

There are very fine distinctions. The differences are sensed by daas.

But we had said before that torah is really an inner essential expression!

We said torah is not for directing us in the world, but rather it creates the world!

But now we say it is dressed in garments. Torah gets into the specifics. But it can be to such an extent that it can be degraded. Chesed is the life force and gevurah directs the force and sets the limits. Because torah has these limits it is possible to lose sight of the light and focus on the limits/gevurah element.

The Germans prided themselves in their 'high culture' and knowledge, but it was severed from any kind of light, or G-dly quality and it resulted in tragedy.

The Rebbe once talked of someone who is zealous for torah, yet his actions can be hurtful, even though rooted in holiness originally. Is his zealous expression, like King David, who could not tolerate opposition to holiness? And even King David could not be the one to build the Temple in Jerusalem.

The answer is that the torah is in essence, 'the tree of life' which is the aspect of 'inner light' – not external. We all have life – the soul is dressed in the body and gives it life. The body is an entity in time and space. The limbs have certain dimensions and abilities. The life the soul provides for the body – does it differ whether it is for a small or large body...? No certainly not. Each part of the body needs life so you may think a bigger body needs bigger soul. No. the body lives since the soul dwells in the brain and gives the body life in a second. This is like tree of life – ohr pnimi – inner life.       

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