Friday, July 1, 2011

“Guard Duty” p: 47

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 47 6/30/11 ThursdayNight 28 Sivan 5771   

District 6, Cape Town, South Africa, near where Granny Becky lived
Page 47 – at middle of the page (line starts: key inyan...) at the end of the line  

Metzius is known from the outside. To know it something has to reach you from that object to make you aware of it. Mehus is something that you know from inside out. 

A mashal/metaphor for this is being inside a home and the objects of the home. The knowledge of being in the house is not due to features, but due to what it is directly. A home or a place is much more than its functionality. It demarcates a place that gives reality for all that it contains. Objects of the home are different. We know it by its message and functionality. This is the chitzonius/externality.

Anything known from outside is by means of its message and functionality – without that you cannot grasp it.

The halacha/law is that in the Temple in Jerusalem, the Preists and Levites had posts where they stood watch the whole night. This was not for functionality. It is to expose the significance. The guard is not giving a functional message, he has become, 'part and parcel' of the place itself.

G-d says, 'none sees My face and lives...' The simple meaning is that a man cannot see and live. Another meaning is neither men nor angels can see him. This is because the root of their presence is due to the external union, which is only a ha-arah / reflection. Human souls don't see essence due to being in a physical bodies. Angels don't have this problem. But they don't see essence because they have no relationship to that level at all.

Chochmah actually sees the truth, the ratzon/will that is higher than chochmah. This is due to its humility, not due to an actual ability to relate to it. Emunah/faith is really part of chochmah. But it is the upper reaches of it – like the thin point on top of the letter yud and is not defined. It is beyond observation. We sense reality because we have a soul that is real.

Bina seeks chochmah not to substantiate its own metziut, but rather to have a sense of what chochmah is. 1+1 is basically 1+1 but then we say no, it is 2 because they emanate from the same source and hence you now have 2.     

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