Friday, July 15, 2011

"Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places" p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/14/11 ThursdayNight 12 Tammuz 5771

Page 48 – 5 lines from the end of the page (line starts: kuli, aval bechinat...)   

Daas is that element in the world that is G-dly, but it is dressed in world.

There are elements in the world that 'as is' do not reveal G-dliness. A group of university professors visited 770 in the 60's and the Rebbe spoke saying, the ultimate task of a scholar, is to push through the external levels of his discipline to disover elokus/G-dliness on the other side...

There is in the world the upside down thought that a physical world created life. In reality it is the opposite. The fundamental building block of the world is physicality. Sechel/mind is a G-dly principle, but it is dressed in the world and works in that framework, to such an extent that if one accepts the physical as primary then sechel will deal with that.

Tree of life is always connected to its source. It is does not encounter the proccess outlined above.

World is a framework that negates non-presence. Dark becomes fundamental. This is world. It came into being. This is opposite to G-dliness, which always existed.

The element of G-dliness in the world expresses itself in the aspect of limit. The factor of limit indicates that it is just a reflection, since the essence cannot express itself as a limited/defined reflection.

The light of the first day of creation enabled Adam to see, 'from one end of the world to the other'. How can one see beyond obstacles/mountains that block the view. This was a different kind of light. The physical element of light deflects off surfaces and shows you just the presence of the object. But then there is a light that gives you a sense of the truth of the object, not just its presence. This is the real element of light that was perfect and pure on Day One. 'See here the reality of the world and everything'. He didn't see objects due to the deflection of light, but rather due to the truth.

This light was later concealed and placed into the sun. this is light from a source and dependent on the functionality of light.

G-dliness is in contrast to world. World is developmental. Adam was allowed to see the world showing the truth of itself. This is not the light we have now, that is dressed in worldliness.

Prior to the tzimzum you just had the primary truth which is unlimited. We cannot really understand this concept, yet we must focus on this to get a perspective that is clear, lest we develop thoughts that interfere with our thinking.

'Our world is a false world. It is a lie. It does not tell the truth. Our world sends the message, 'nothing is there unless you bring it there', it is a world of lack and darkness, and evil. Nothing in the world can survive without nutrients. The sun seems to be an exception. So we think 'good counters bad' – you eat to overcome hunger. So the basic state is hunger. This is lacking/bad.'

The soul in contrast to this is essential life. The primary reality is good not bad. The Good One promotes good – teva ha tov lemaytiv...

G-dliness in a primary state has no worldly qualities at all.   

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