Monday, July 18, 2011

"The Man, The Book and The Table" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/18/11 Monday 16 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – 6 lines from the top of the page (line starts: ha kav...) 

Ha-arah/reflection, in contrast to the essence, changes according to it's location.

Just as 1 + 1 is 2 and seems to be a logical imperative, if we we look at it more closely it is only because we recognize a deeper truth, that we correlate the two items/numbers, so too we sense in sechel/mind that there is a higher element that the world represents. We sense that objects represent a living entity due to the fact that we have a soul, but there is nothing on the level of logic that makes this an imperative. One needs a level of intellectual sensitivity that is granted to all human beings. One needs just to take care not to be blinded by the physicality of the world.

P 49, top, Rebbe Rashab, Ayin Base
A book is placed on the table. What does it represent? The action that brought it together. This is the mehus. The why its there. A man wanted to sit and learn from the book. Learning is a human intellectual action, but ultimately he does it due to a G-dly imperative. This is what brings the person, the book and the table together. This is what gives it a real presence. This is the mehus. Not the function and the immediate cause, but what gives it a presence. Everything has a G-dly spirit and reality to it...

The secular view is that there is no unity. A bunch of independent factors that happen to coalesce.

The mehus of atzilus is not the same as that above it. Yet it is not a different mehus. There is a transition. Atzilus is thus referred to as an intermediary between the infinity above it and the lower worlds below.  

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