Friday, July 29, 2011

“The Only Exception” p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/28/11 ThursdayNight 26 Tammuz 5771  

Page 49 – lower third of the page (line starts: ohr pnimi...)

The general point being made is that neshamas are unique in the entire creation. Everything else is of the level of ha-arah/reflection.

Ha-arah is just the functional level of the essence. Souls are different. They are essence. The proof is that the soul is capable of handling any kind of revelation. The definition of world is that things have a negative presence. Objects are seen since they block the flow of light. You see them by deflection. 

In the beginning Adam was granted a light that had not obstruction and he was able to see, 'from one end of the world to the other'. This light would have 'prevented the world being a world' and hence it was hidden. This is an illustration of the principle that usually an entity loses it's presence when exposed to a revelation beyond it's level. The soul is an exception to this. The only exception to this.

p 49 ayinbase, Rebbe Rashab
In the future souls will not only be able to tolerate every revelation, but will be able to process the level of essence internally. They will internalize essence and understand it in sechel.  

A metaphor for extreme tolerance is the rock. The rock has no limit to what it will withstand (in comparison to tables and other structures). Imagine the rock is conscious of it's role and function. This would mean that the essence that He embedded in the rock has not become it's property. In the mean time the stones, do still demand, 'by what right do you step on me if not fulfilling His intention...!?'

G-d says to the sun, 'give light' and this retains it's youth and purpose. The soul is aware of everything that it is, thus in the time to come, it will know itself, and know itself better.

When one learns, and he delves into the torah to the level where you see the unique quality of what the Torah is presenting and sees it is all based on the G-dly principles.

He will begin to understand things that don't make sense from a worldly sense. This is like the sun persists in it's youthful power due to it's light rather than it's fire. The souls of Israel can process the revelations beyond the level of world.

This is on the level of learning Torah.

And the avodah/service/work of Israel is also on a level beyond what the world can tolerate.

And it is not hefker – it is a most positive step. The Base Yosef has and angel that was created by his learning, and it would give him all kinds of direction... At one point the angel told him, 'you will merit to burn on the stake to sanctify His name! ' and then some time later he said, 'as a result of something you did you lost the opportunity'. And thus he lived a longer life and could write the shulchan aruch. So the shulchan aruch was a substitute for the chance to give his life. These are sensitivities beyond the worldly norm, and souls can relate to them!!

In sechel/mind there is no way to understand it.

There is what we call logic. Sechel works with logic. Each step finds support in the previous step. Then there is Elokus/G-dliness. A clear distinction is that the Elokus is the essence of truth that needs no supporting evidence. It is self supporting. So the soul relates not by a logical process. World is all logical process – and they reduce the soul to electrical signals!

Here the soul is in the body and functions in that context with that state of consciousness, yet it can absorb revelations and concepts that are beyond that level. Angels by contrast cannot accept revelations greater than their level.   

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