Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Something Real is Going On" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/19/11 Tuesday 17 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – about lines from the top of the page (line starts: she ayno...)

Joshua Tree
The mehus of atzilus is different to that above it. 

And in the lower worlds of biya it aquires a different presence – it is no longer as connected – it is like 'a reflection of a reflection'. What is known to us via our sechel/mind is not the real mehus of elokus/G-dliness.

Mehus means the reality of this entity or level – 'what gives it a presence'.

There is a big difference between something being obvious and being a logical imperative. If it is apparent/obvious it is not concealed at all.

If you enter a house and things are standing on the table, you will leave them in their place. This is not due to your respect for the objects. What is the mehus? What gives things here a real presence? It is how it represents a human perspective and that there is a human being who owns this home. This is obvious to us – this physical world represents something. We pay attention to sunrise and sunset. The cycle of seasons impress us. It is not just their effect – it is the fact that there is a living world in process. We're sensitive to this – it is a hint to elokus/G-dliness.

So though there is a complete concealment of G-dliness, in truth it is not fully concealed, but you need to use your sensitivity of intellect to see 'something real is going on'. This is the residue of the kav/line that initiated creation.

We say the sun revolves around the earth, due to their relative significance.

The kav reveals, to the extent possible and then stops.

Sunlight illuminates our world, and it does it 'at the level' of our world. It becomes an illuminated world. The fundamental presence of the world is unchanged. It it illuminated it more strongly then the presence of the world would cease – it would not be a real world.

So here we see the difference between essence and reflection. Let's understand. Essence remains unchanged. Malchus is like the domain of the king. He is a real presence, and thus there is a nation and a domain. There's no difference between how the king is in his palace or in a small corner of the kingdom. Essence has the same presence everywhere. Ha-arah/reflection is a level that differs according its location.

Kabbalah/chassidus says He is everywhere. Opponents said, 'how can you say He's in an impure place?' That is because they did not grasp the element of essence. In the physical world the matter of essence is revealed in a true sense, in that it cannot be known.

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