Tuesday, July 5, 2011

“The Thief and the King” p: 47

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 47 7/5/11 Tuesday 3 Tammuz 5771

Page 47 – below the middle of the page (line starts: bechinat chitzoniut levad...) 

The distinction between 'inner and outer' can be seen in the difference between the will for world and the will for torah and mitzvot.

The inner level of ratzon/will has an element of infinity. External means there is an element of function and reason, and thus is not purely ratzon/will/desire.

Still the outer level has a fundamental reality to it.

AyinBase of the Rebbe Rashab, P47, lower half (right click to open in new window and enlarge)

The desire for the 'worlds', which is the arising in His will to emanate and create. Even at the level of atzilus is not the level of essence, but rather for 'some kind of intent'.

It is for the sake of 'some kind of intent' yet it is attributed to ratzon/will, which is representative fo the essence.

You may want to move something. And you want to do that for a practical reason. There's no real will/ratzon involved in such an action.

So to say there is 'ratzon for olamot', means He wanted to create the worlds. This means the world has an infinite quality to it, even though it is an external will. What makes it external? Because it is for some kind of intent. It is not just 'expressing myself'.

Torah and mitzvot is not just a reminder that 'there is a creator', but it is the actualization of His intent. It is bringing the King Himself into the world. To do this you need to have a world that is infinite. Torah says, 'we must not steal'. Why? Because it is His world and He's present. By not stealing you are bringing Him into the world. But why is it even possible to steal if He makes this world?! Because then it would have just been a factor of the defined world, but if one can steal and we don't, then we are making a statement of, or bearing witness to the King's presence.

Ratzon for olamot means that the world is really infinite. The world can even declare that it is self made. When something is created by an act then it has the limitations of that act, but if we have an infinite world then how was it created by an act? Because it was a ratzon the brings the world about. The reason He has for the world is unlimited. That torah and mitzvoth bring atzmus/essence into the world.

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