Friday, July 22, 2011

"What is so Special About a Union?" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/21/11 ThursdayNight 19 Tammuz 5771 

Page 49 – about a third into the page (line starts: kuli...)

How did we get from kav to holada? Kav is an ha-arah/reflection. We are moving away from kav/line of creation to look at the level that is essence and not ha-arah/reflection.

The principle of yichud/union: the union of levels of sechel/mind – chochmah and binah – brings about the creation of angels and all the worlds. The union of bodies brings about the creation of souls!

In this union is drawn down aha-arah or an essence respectively.

How and why? What is so special about a union? Chochmah is higher than binah, so what is so special about their union? The principle in a nutshell: in the yichud/union of chochmah and binah an element superior to both of them is recognized. What is this element? There are 2 ways to understand: a) 'I understand this' or b) this is universally true. The second level is objective and this is what happens when there is a yichud between chochmah and binah. The objective truth is recognized.

Everyone has chochmah. It is a soul power. Why is it missed? Why do we focus on 'what kind of car do you have?' (!!!) Very few take heed and ask, 'what does this represent?'


He dismisses his own perception. Till it doesn't attract him. He perceives and understands that there has to be an 'above the world truth' and he completely ignores it. He thinks, 'this is my impression and doesn't amount to a hill of beans. This won't pay my rent, so who cares?'

Only when one focuses in at the bina level on what he is seeing then it becomes real to him. He says 'I see infinity, and I see it in the world, I look to the sky and see the infinity of the One who creates it' – this is the union of chochmah and bina and the reality takes effect. Chochmah alone is real but is easily dismissed. When it is identified in bina and has impact then the reality is apparent.  

This is why chassidus is constantly talking about these levels of union, which brings out the truth behind chochmah and bina.

Yichud ruchni: bina looks for the inspiration that comes from the chochmah. They have an affinity.

Yichud zun – the bodily union: You have 2 discrete entities and no real overlap between them. This is like the sphirot in malchus. This is the effect of middot/emotions on dibur. This is not an automatic involvement. Here too the union is affected by something greater than either – but it is a different quality of truth that joins the 2 together. Yichud zun/bodily union is affected by recognition of an essence level.

When does the individual person become recognized as an entity outside himself? When he speaks or acts. From a secular level one may say a person acts for ulterior motives, we're not talking of that kind of action. Rather he has a recognition of full reality and that causes him to act and speak. To act and be in the world is the reason his soul was sent down to this world. This is why his name can call him out of his coma.

In terms of our discussion we have middot/emotion and malchus/faculties that connect him to the outside. The reason he talks is not for the benefit of their recognition, but because this is what the neshamah came here for – to be effective in the world.

Being a part of the world is an expression of complete self sufficiency. If he is a human being, he is doing it everywhere. It is an essence that includes middot and malchus that unifies them.  

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