Friday, July 22, 2011

"Why are You Running For President?" p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49  7/21/11 Friday 20 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – about  a third into the page (line starts: ha-hamshacha...) - at the end of the line. 

Inner and essential aspects, contrary to a superficial understanding, do not originate from the entity itself, but rather from its connection to it's source!   You could think of a man – he has dignity by  virtue of his connection to his Source.  Pnimius and atzmius (inner essential aspects) are only found in kedusha/holiness. 
Yoni Netanyahu, Entebbe Raid, 4 July 1976, "Redeem the captives of the spiritual  hijacking, just as they  freed  them  from physical hijacking!" - The Rebbe

With sight you have a sense of reality.  Why?  Anything that could and could not be, is functional and temporary.  But when we see an object in sight, we see the entire context, that permits it to be.  This panaramo is the real experience of sight!  It cannot be touched.  It is the level (on our experience) that “could not, not be”

When they asked Kennedy, why do you want to run?  “I am the best man for the job,” was his answer.  This may be a significant answer since it relates to the reality, rather than to him himself. 

That the seminal drop can birth a new creation that resembles the father is a soul matter.  It is not nature.  It comes from the aspect of the essence of the father.   What is the 'aspect of the essence' of the father?  It is the essence of sechel/mind (koach hasechel hahiuli ha-atzmi).  The father is not thinking of lineage and posterity.  He has an element of such a broad truth that he can create another entity.  What the father stands for is so real that it can be replicated with increasing room and truth.   In the world they think of survival and continuity.  In torah, since the father has a real presence and mission hence there are children.

In marriage:  it is called 'an eternal ediface' – it can be understood to mean that offspring will result, but this is a external view.  Rather the union in itself is eternal – what unites them is the G-dly element.  The eternity is seen at the outset.  The zohar says the first and second Temple are of human making, but the third will be made by Him and thus will have eternal presence.  That eternality will be seen immediately at the revelation of the structure.  The children result from this eternal aspect...!  The opposite of an external understanding.

Sechel is an intentional faculty.  It is the sechel in the nefesh that represents not what the world  says 'as a means of survival, and outsmarting the elements', but rather it is bitul/humility that is geared towards the truth.    The essence of sechel/mind (koach hasechel hahiuli ha-atzmi) is how the nefesh views itself.  'Man should rule the fish and fowl' – says torah – and one may say, 'look what I can do!' or he can take and inner view and say, 'what am I here to do?' that is the view of itself from inside.  This is the inyan eloki in the world.

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