Tuesday, April 3, 2012

“Just The Two of Us” p: 70

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 11 Nissan 5772 

Page 70 – 6 lines from the top of the page (line starts, 'bo....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are given a simple illustration of something complex and deep. So simple we may miss the point. In brief when one has a significant celebration, and is overjoyed and holds a feast... many people are invited and enjoy the meal... after the party there is a close gathering of his inner circle.

The Rebbe brings this mashal/metaphor not to show the distinction between the inner circle and the wider gathering...

Only the host, for whom the celebration is a core element of his own life, senses the significance of this core group. For him the distinction is most overt. The distinction is rooted in the essence of his joy. Those that are close to him are also imbued with that essential reality. Some of his essential experience is given over to them.

This is all to indicate that the bechirah/choice is from the essence.

After the main party the inner pleasure is revealed, 'just us two, alone'.

The choice is that He chooses Himself. He chooses Torah and His people Israel. They are rooted within Him.

That which is essential is his preference by default. Choice is 'this that is Him' is chosen by Him and He says, 'this is what I want'. This speaks of the real depth of the Essence. 'This is the best, not because it is Me'.

If a father hides, the son keeps looking. He persists beyond reason.


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