Thursday, April 12, 2012

“Rocks” p: 70 Review Session

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 20 Nissan 5772   

Page 70 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'kuli....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The main point from yesterday is that there is flow from the inner level to the outer level. Even in the world there is an element of light and goodness. This comes from the G-dly source.

It comes in a secondary manner, and you may think that it has no inner quality. But that is not the case. In the outer level is a reflection of the inner level.

Even though Torah and Israel are His inner will, bechirah/choice is more profound than pnimius haratzon. Pnimius haratzon is 'this is me' – there is an explanation of why this fits with me. Bechirah is beyond this. It is not, 'this is me or fits with me' but 'I choose this to be Me'. Essence is beyond ratzon/will. Essence is the pure reality. Ratzon/will is a derivative of this. There is a middah called chesed/kindness. In essence kindness knows no bounds and extends indefinitely. This element of kindness is rooted in infinity itself. Greatness indicates His limitlessness. And from this comes His kindness. The kindness is already an expression/effect of the gedulah/greatness. The gedulah/greatness is closer to the essence itself.

The ultimate reality itself has absolutely no qualifying aspects.

The presence of the host does not have any statement. It cannot be translated and cannot be substituted by anything. This is beyond pnimiut haratzon/inner will. This is where bechirah/choice comes in. It is not based on any quality.

This is the principle of essential reality. In our world this is represented by the inanimate.

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