AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 4 Iyar
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is meaning that only a reflection of the soul is dressed in the body?
And not the higher elements. And certainly not the essence of the
soul. Hislabshut – enlothement – we say the soul is enclothed
in the body. What does this mean? We have a G-dly soul and an
animal soul. The animal soul relates to the worldly process
perfectly, and it experiences every worldly effect. For example the
animal soul is excited by 'a breath of fresh air' and the G-dly soul
is present but not able to relate to the experience. It is here in
the body, but does not experience all the 'happenings' in the world.
enlothement in the body... sechel/mind of the 'animal soul' is based
on physical manifestations. The G-dly soul perceives it at a much
higher level... the G-dly soul has its own interpretation and view
of what's going on.
soul in the body must be behislabshut/involved since it gives life to
the body. We have sechel/insight from our soul, and are sensitive
to it in our physical brain... this is the meaning of the element
that we can relate to is not the essence of the soul. The highest
level of neshamah/soul, like the case of light and the interaction
with an object can be identified... it is based on a changing
status. There is presence and absence. The higher levels of the
soul – chayah and yechidah are not reactive or the result of any
kind of experience. These to levels are not involved with the body.
This is to say if one has oneg/pleasure it is not due to any bodily
have 2 distinct levels of soul – one is dressed in the body and one
is completely above the body. For sure the essence of the soul is
not dressed in the body. Creation of adam/man is the dressing of
soul in body and how is that tzalmaynu – Our form, when it is
functional levels that are in the body, not the essence of the soul.
says, 'ach betzelem yithalach ish' – 'just in form does man walk'.
The zohar says, 'when the soul comes down, then along with it comes a
form. With that form he grows, and with that form/tzelem he walks
around in this world, as it says ach betzelem... in his form does a
man walk...' It is explained that the form is a garment for the
soul and as a result of it the joining of soul and body is enabled...
and man continues to persists in the world on this basis... It is
necessary to understand the strength, value and advantage of this
levush/garment that it is able to join together the soul and the
body, although that in essence the soul and body are in 2 completely
different states of being...
how does it occur that all the expressions are through this
garment... and by this garment/form it grows... the person grows...
the meaning is that there is an increase of light... how is all this
facilitated by means of the levush/form?
principle is that the root of this levush/form is very high. This is
similar to the form that encompasses zun/male and female.
is higher than kochot atzmi-im – higher than the way the faculties
are contained in essence.

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