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AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 30 Nissan 5772
Page 71 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'bemitziut....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.
We have gone from essence through the whole creation, and the created manifestation, with souls in bodies and torah written on parchment, yet their presence is nothing but the identification as given from the essence itself.
The souls of Israel have kabalot ol – the soul is essence of G-dliness and its whole presence is the higher intent... this is the soul. They have kabalot ol, since they don't need any 'self identity'. What they have is much more real than anything that can be given to them. This is the principle of essence. Truth because of itself.
Tshuvah is an inner movement – a shake up – the essence moves – not any faculty... much beyond faculties and even the intellect.
This is the truth of tshuvah (turning to Him) though there might also be an aspect of 'departing from certain elements in life' but essentially it is an inner recognition, and a soul demand to return to what you really are.
Tshuvah – you were at a distance and now you are coming back. If something was separated and then became reincorporated, you would think there would be a seam. The separateness would leave a scar. But for the soul there is a seamless incorporation – the knot is not a seam – it represents a union beyond a seam – a declaration of the Choice/behirah which comes from the most hidden level.
Usually you think of the knot being based on the tangle, here the knot is based on the declaration from Above. This is higher than nature. Essence cannot be transferred, yet here with the soul we have essence!
We say the truth of sechel/mind is ratzon/will. 'Making sense' is external, 'I understand it because I want to understand' is more internal – it is not 'rational' it is the way the truth is inside my soul.
This is the knotting. It is not based on any affinity, like or dislike... the essence, which cannot be represented by anything else is represented by the soul, 'because I want it' says Essence.
Even though there is a huge seder hishtalshalus (process of 'cause and effect') nevertheless, the entire thing is for the sake of Torah. As was explained, the Torah and the souls of Isreal is the inner point of the process. Because the world was for this sake He gave it to Avraham (Abraham).
We had the example of someone seeking honour and he does a good deed. Without a level of inner truth there is no external reality.
The point of the giving the world to Avraham is to bring down additional light into the external element so there will be revelation of the inner in the external. The way we see the world is because it is there – worldly. Then we begin to think, 'okay, but where does it come from etc' so the external remains external, but the real purpose it to realize that what you are seeing in chitzonius is not external it is really internal. The ultimate experience of seeing the world is not that I am seeing the world but that it is being shown to me... what makes things real is not the object itself but the fact that it has a owner.
There are 2 levels 'how we see things' and 'how the truth is' and we strive to see things, 'the way they really are' even if we are not there yet...
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