Wednesday, April 18, 2012

“Source and Sensation” p: 71

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 26 Nissan 5772 
Page 71 – 2 lines from the top of the page (line starts, 'mah....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are explaining how in the existence of the world there is the element of the souls of Israel and Torah, which are from the essence. My means of the work of the sages the Torah is drawn down into the world.

The primary feature of Torah, mitzvoth and the souls of Israel, is their connection to their source rather than any feature. The real thing is only by virtue of direct connection to the source. This is understood by the presence of a host at a meal. This intangible element is the real thing, without which you have nothing.

You may think the Torah is a collection of rules to keep the world on track. But that is an external perspective. Torah is rooted in essence.

Here below the souls of Israel are in physical bodies that disguise their true nature. And this is where the element of bechirah/choice is seen - 'I separated you from all the nations'. He turned His attention from the upper and lower worlds and connected to them only through the people Israel. He drew them out of Egypt and gave them the Torah.

This is the principle of 'dirah betachtonim – a dwelling place below'. A place for His presence. The difference between the inner and outer levels are sensed in Essence.

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