Friday, April 27, 2012

“High Fashion” p: 158-9

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 5 Iyar 5772  

Page 158 – bottom of the page (line starts, 'may-ha-giluim....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

To explain, 'in Our image' as it pertains to the human being as he is here below, the rebbe brings from zohar the explanation that it is by means of the form that the soul joins the body. The form is called a levush. Levush means garment, which you may think is external and superficial, but its roots are very high – higher than all the faculties of the soul and higher than the essential faculties of the soul.

The functional faculties work as a result of that to which it attaches itself. Sechel, works with questions and then works to answer. Without the question/difficulty the explanation would not surface. Then there are essential faculties, which is a direct soul understanding and statement. This is a very high element – it presents the soul itself. But we are saying that the levush/garment, that allows the soul to be dressed in the body is higher than even these essential faculties...!

last night we learned that all our faculties (speech, sight, movement etc) are driven by one principle – the principle that, “this is a human being” and this is deeper and superior to each faculty.

The source of the levush/garment is from the essence of the soul, that is above all faculties...

from essence are 2 distinct elements – 1. the souls likes and dislikes – revealed faculties and 2. a different reality, 'that the soul is for real' – not as it is expressed by means of any quality – it cannot be qualified or quantified. Essence is that 'which cannot be represented by anything but the essence'.

This form/tzelem (also called levush/garment) connects the soul with the body. The body lives from the soul and the soul is aware of the body.

In order for there to be the joining of the soul and body (which are extreme opposites). The soul is the most spiritual and the body is the most gashmi/coarse. How do they relate to each other and recognize each other?  

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