Monday, April 2, 2012

“Limitless Joy” p: 69 -70

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 10 Nissan 5772 

Page 69 – 4 lines from the end of the page (line starts, '....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The inner/pnimiut aspect is the source of the person. chitzonius/external is the inevitable broadening out of the nucleus. It comes along as an addendum, but it is without the force of intention. It comes along as a secondary result. The example of this is one who makes a celebration for the wedding of his only son. It touches his essence. The others who attend feel his joy. And he does not limit his expression to just the 'inner circle' – he also invites others who are more distant and they also add to the simcha/joyous event.

The distinction between the pnimius/inner and chitzonius/outer aspects is not so obvious. The choice in Israel vs the rest of the world has to come from essence, since only essence is sensitive to the difference...

For the host he has a distinction between his inner circle and the other guests, even if for a casual attendee it is not obvious.

This is the principle of pnimius/inner and chitzonius/outer aspects – chitzonius comes from the pnimius. If the joy is overpowering he does not want to see it limited.

After the main celebration the distinction of his inner circle is revealed.

As it says in Midrash Rabba, 'on the 8th day there will be a 'holding back', a private backstage after-party, 'come and we will rejoice I and you''

In truth the intent even from the beginning was for this special friend and due to this it extended to all, but it wasn't obvious, and then when the external elements end, then the pnimi/inner aspects surface.

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