Tuesday, April 17, 2012

“Light in Darkness” p: 70

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 25 Nissan 5772 
Page 70- 71 – lower third of- 4 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'kuli....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We are looking at how in the external level there is also an element of 'revelation of light' (gilui ohr). The inner level is so intense and bright that the external levlel (chitzoniut) also has light. Physicality does not carry its own light. What is light? We think of light emanating from a luminary. Light points to its source. And bald physicality does not point to a source! This is externality. A focus on the entity for its own sake with no allusion to light. In these days every entity tends to explain itself at its own level with no expression of light. Even the human being 'explains himself away'...! This is the external perspective.

The external level is sourced in a inner level so thus it too has the experience of light/ohr.

Sages are called builders, because they bring and expose light...

the presence of G-dliness in the worldly containers is present, but completely concealed. In order for there to be revelation of light in the external levels – that they actually represent something, is by souls of Israel and the work of the sages.

pnimius/inner level has meaning and purpose on its own. It does not need a functional justification. 'Making the world a better place' is an external perspective. Doing Torah is relating to Him and life itself.

We are looking at how the inner life comes from Torah and Israel. This is the essence in the world.

The distinction between inner and outer aspects is first identified in Essence. This is where the distinction is first present.

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