Thursday, April 26, 2012

“No Benefit in Mind” p: 158

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 4 Iyar 5772 

Page 158 – at the top of the second paragraph of the page (line starts, 'umnum....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We looked at the meaning of helem ha-atzmi de chochmah – hidden essential wisdom. How does something that is hidden, constitute wisdom? Our experience is something in contrast to its opposite. Like when we have pleasure it is in contrast to displeasure. You go outside and say, 'ah, a breathe of fresh air!' and this is in contrast to the stale air you had inside. That is because we live on the level of ha-arah/reflection, not the soul essential level...

The reason we have chochmah is because it is inherent in the life of the soul. From our external perspective it is like an 'add-on', yet in truth it is sourced within.

A man has chochmah/wisdom, in contrast to an animal, not due to different experiences, but due to a different soul... chochmah is bitul – the ability to relate to the truth, not by being affected by it, but by recognition. 'I choose the king' is this kind of insight – going beyond self-interest, or a partial perspective. A human being has the ability to relate to the truth, because it is true. This is due to his soul quality.

The Rebbe is explaining that there is a tzurah atzmi – the form as it is in the essence – not molded by any external influence … But a form is an external presentation so how is there form at an internal level? The soul of man is drawn to refinement and this is not by default, he is drawn to it in essence, but not by compulsion and not by contrast. He is aware of who he is and what his soul wants – he has a form but it is essential. Above that is oneg/pleasure. This is the basis of the chochmah/wisdom.

The Alte Rebbe brings the verse, 'the flame of G-d is the soul of man', and the flame is in motion. Now a flame has inadvertent motion due to its nature, but for the soul, it is not 'by nature' – here it is a borrowed term – to describe seeking a goal that is above sechel/mind.

This is the point of life – the life of the soul – it has a nature that is experienced – nothing is inadvertent – everything is 'by choice', but this choice does not need to be explained or justified. The soul has no benefit in mind when it strives towards G-dliness...!

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