Wednesday, April 4, 2012

“Real Space” p: 70

AyinBase with R' Paltiel WednesayNight 12 Nissan 5772 

Page 70 – about a third from the top of the page (line starts, 'ach....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

There is a question of 'He chooses Himself'. What is the meaning? He is Himself.

Every person has his face. There is always someone more handsome. Would one want to exchange your looks? Absolutely not. He is himself not because he happens to be himself, but because it is a perfect fit.

This is the only thing that is valuable. It is the only real truth there is. This is the choosing of Israel and Torah.

There is a sharp divide between the inner and external levels. We pointed out that there is space and then there is the human domain. The space inside the house is as neutral as the space within the house. This is the infinity that provides for anything. Time and space are the fundamental ingredients of anything that exists.

Space that has a domain, has been allocated for a certain significance and you cannot do whatever you want with it. Domain is more elusive and more spiritual than space, yet it is definitive and limiting the facility of space.

This is because domain is pnimiut and space if chitzonius/external.

Domain has demands that come with it. It limits the use of space. You wouldn't allow someone to bring a horse into your house. Domain is deeper than space. Domain is more internal that space and has a much more profound reality. Thus the real source of all space is domain. The space itself is the external fallout out of the inner domain.

This is like the host and the meal. The meal is a whole presentation. You can remove the host and the meal remains. But what remains?! The externality that loses all significance. 

He Himself is great, very great, but that is not the pnimiut reality... 

The people Israel is the revelation of who He is.

The very same space on the domain level is very demanding and exclusive. It is not neutral space. Not because it is limited, but because it is unlimited and so true.

Really this is true of all space, 'the stones under your feet, call out you block head, by what right do you step on me if you don't have your mind, mouth and deeds focused on Torah...!?!'

In every inner entity there is an external representation, without the inner intent.

Inertia says an object will persist in its current state unless something interferes with it... this is a principle of physics. The external element of this prinicple is that the object exists and why should it stop (or why should it move). Why not stay in the current state. This is completely worldly.

Now there is a different version – and inner element to this. And inner perspective. This object was created by G-d. It is not inadvertent. It has a true presence. A domain element. Thus when this object is in motion, it relates not to the space, but the state it is in! It persists because that is its presence! You look at the G-dly will in it and that creates it. This is space versus domain. There is such reality in the physical world because it represents a G-dly will.

Atomic power is a representation of this...

there is a definitive source for the creation of the worlds. Chesed/kindness is the source... of the creation of the word.

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