Friday, April 20, 2012

“Souls Know” p: 71

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 28 Nissan 5772 

Page 71 – just below the middle of the page (line starts, 'lemata....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

Souls carry along with them the Choice that occurs above. The are not just themselves, they carry the higher intent. The contain the declarative choice that originates above. Their primary reality is not their presence, but the higher intent. This is why the soul can distinguish the inner and outer levels. Anything that smacks of existence for its own sake they abhor.
The souls of Israel have the ability of 'kabalos ol malchut shamayim' (doing the King's will) in a manner of self nullification as if the soul was not a separate entity at all. This is because in truth they stand for Him and do not qualify as a secondary entity at all. They are one with their Maker.

They are not a reflection of that truth. They are the very same as that reality. Like we said essence cannot be transmitted, yet the souls present essence. Even where the soul is an entity, yet they are the essential light. This is why they have the power of true bitul/humility. You see not the one who is accepting the yoke, only the originator.

Souls know not by virtue of their faculties, but by virtue of their own reality.

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