Monday, April 16, 2012

“Your Own Face” p: 70

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 24 Nissan 5772  

Page 70 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'kuli....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

One Chooses his own face. It is personal and not comparative. It is not based on comparison. This is the kind of choice we are talking about.

There are people who have cosmetic surgery. And we realize that there is a point that they miss. They are not sensitive to their own reality. They perceive themselves in a functional way. They give up their appearance because they lack a sense of essence. Essence cannot be described in worldly terms. Only because of the absolute truth that all is a G-dly truth will essence be recognized and the idea of substitution be dismissed out of hand.

Bechirah/choice represents truth itself. Higher than ratzon/will and oneg/pleasure. It attests to the fact that there is an essence.

His choice is rooted in a deeper element of Himself. Deeper than his will and pleasure.

Every inner level will also have an external representation. The external level is also rooted in essence. The essence has not form that it is limited to, and thus is not limited to inner or outer levels...! In pnimiut/inner level there is recognition of the source and what I have is the connection to the Source – that is the main element.

The original Choice (not comparative) is His choosing Torah and Israel brought about the creation of the world. This making of the world is 'yesh mi yesh' – one stage bringing about the next...

Pnimius represents the essence and thus there is no limit to its expression.

The force behind both the internal and external levels is essence.

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