Tuesday, September 11, 2012

“Coming and Affecting Effortlessly” p: 174

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 24 Elul 5772 

Page 174 – start of the second paragraph – about 8 lines in (line starts, 'yesh sphirot...') For text, see picture below.

The overall point – even though the overall light – 'light by definition' has the quality of essential light / ohr atzmi, and represents, 'coming from essence', and coming and affecting effortlessly, yet there are levels in light. And we say three times 'holy' – 'kadosh, kadosh, kadosh!'

Starting 'bottom – up' in the world of 'atzilus' (the lowest level that is a presence of light) – [our world – biyah – is also a creation with light somewhere under all the concealment, but it is a presence of vessels, not light. You see a man walking – and that is the presence you see – his intention is concealed] – there is no presence except for the source.

Atzilus is like chochmah/wisdom – and chochmah has not presence except for the moment it flashes forth from its source – it is like a spark. It is united with its source.

What is a vessel? You can define a certain element in the light and then present it through a vessel. In physical world this is about quantity. In the beginning the oceans covered over the earth, and then they were brought together to reveal the earth. This is not being in a vessel. If you take some and say, 'this is water' and put it in a cup... then it is in a vessel...

a vessel enables a presentation. Lights are essence – reality – not in a vessel. But in atzilus, there is a world and the lights are put into vessels and you have sphirot – chochmah, binah, and daas etc...

What is the principle of presentation? That something can be distinguished from something else.

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